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Alpaca Sweater: Boston!

It’s almost snow season, so it’s best to get down South before the weather starts acting up. By South, of course, we mean Boston, the Hub of New England. And even though it’s only a touch over two hours away, nobody likes traveling in the winter, so you better hurry now! There’s plenty to do in Boston, and if you’re smart, you’ll make a full weekend out of it. So, in our next installment of Alpaca Sweater, we’re taking you to Beantown and, instead of throwing things at you that you’ve already heard of (think: Top of the Hub, the Aquarium, Duck Tours), we’ve got a few lesser known spots for you to check out. So, yes – pack a sweater, and some good shoes, and let’s get this show on the road! Continue reading Alpaca Sweater: Boston!